Monday, March 18, 2013

Come Home to Sta. Rosa

Tired of the hustle and bustle of living in the city? While most of people living in Metro Manila reside in cramped condominium units and struggle with inconveniences such as traffic; moving to areas outside Metro Manila was largely ignored due to the perception that living in the provinces meant sacrificing some of their comforts in life.

Now a credible developer DDC Land has crafted new development that will definitely give people reasons to come home to Sta Rosa. With 16 years of experience in real estate development, the company is one of the leaders in the affordable housing market in Southern Luzon where its 8,000-unit development, the Sta Rosa Garden Villas holds the distinction of being the largest affordable housing development in Sta Rosa City, Laguna.  The company specializes in building affordable, executive-like residential subdivisions with a choice of duplex and quadruplex units.

Compared to its competitors, DDC Land says its developments boast larger average floor areas per unit, less congestion and increased privacy due to the spaces between houses, stylishly designed housing units, and greater durability while keeping its prices at par with industry standards. To deliver on its promise of quality homes for its homeowners the company has invested on their own motor pool and concrete batching plant to ensure best quality at the lowest cost.

 “We want to dispel the image that buying an affordable house means you would have to live in crowded, poorly built and designed houses, that is why we construct our units as if we are the ones who will live there” says Edna Sutter the company’s Executive Vice President.

To further make life easy for their homeowners DDC Land has also ventured into retail with the opening of its Garden Plaza community mall. Garden Plaza promises to help meet the shopping and leisure needs of the residents of Garden Villas and other nearby areas.

Whether its shopping for groceries, banking, or hanging out with your friends Garden Plaza has something from everyone with an extensive selection of reputable brands such as Savemore Supermarket, Figaro, RCBC among others. Apart from various shopping and dining choices, Garden Plaza also has a dry fountain that can serve as an events venue for concerts, sporting events, and other activities.

With these new amenities DDC Land has made living in Sta Rosa City better than ever. With the opening of the Garden Villas Phase Six; more people can enjoy the good life at Garden Villas in Sta Rosa.

For more inquiries please call 5518888 or visit

2014 Ajinomoto Postgraduate Scholarship Grant


Application for the 2014 Ajinomoto Postgraduate Scholarship Grant is now open. The successful applicant will receive full scholarship in one of the graduate schools in the field of science and technology at the University of Tokyo. The scholar can enroll either as a research student first then as a master’s course student in a three-year program or directly as a master’s course student in a two-year program. Other benefits include monthly living allowance; full coverage of examinations, admission and tuition fees; full coverage of Japanese language learning prior to going to Japan; and full coverage of airfare to and from Japan.

The Ajinomoto Postgraduate Scholarship Grant hopes to empower future generations to help contribute/solve global issues. Ms. Pinky Yu, Public Affairs and CSR Manager of Ajinomoto Philippines Corporation, shares “We have many brilliant Filipino students and young professionals. We want them to have access to one of the best universities in the world, fulfill their dreams and make significant contributions to our society.”

Deadline for application is on March 29, 2013. For more details, contact 895-6081 to 89 local 346 or 890-6329, e-mail and visit

Be The GoldiBest in Class!

The great inventor Thomas Edison once said that success is “10 percent inspiration, and 90 percent perspiration.” Indeed, reward comes as much with effort as it does with achievement. The taste of success is always sweeter when it is gained through hard work.

The ripe Filipino mango, with its golden sheen and hearty flavor, is a good equivalent to the sweet taste of success. Celebrate the triumph of your graduate today by getting them the new Mango Chantilly Cake from Goldilocks, a well-deserved treat comprising two stacked layers of mango and vanilla chiffon, filled with creamy Italian butter icing and succulent mango jam,and decorated with sweet mango marshmallows. As an added nod to the graduating class of 2013, the country’s number one bakeshop likewise offers delectable Mango Tarts and the return of its famous Mango Mousse Singles – the perfect snacks for post-graduation barkada outings.

Get these mango-inspired delights at your nearest Goldilocks branch, or call 888-1-999 Goldilocks Go-Delivery to celebrate this once in a lifetime milestone! Enjoy!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The AJINOMOTO® Umami Culinary Challenge 2013 (UCC 2013)

The fourth year and fifth implementation of the AJINOMOTO® Umami Culinary Challenge welcomes thousands of visitors and 450 student-competitors at the SMX Convention Center. 43 universities and colleges in Metro Manila and nearby provinces showcased their mastery of achieving umami taste in their culinary creations to vie for the coveted Umami Bowl Award.

Competitors try their hand at Eat Well, Live Well.® Cooking to create healthy and tasty dishes

 In each of the five (5) competition categories, HRM and Nutrition students were given an hour to prepare and cook their dishes. Judges decided based on intensity of umami taste, culinary technique and creativity, dish preparation and plate presentation. One of the major criteria of this competition is Eat Well, Live Well.® Cooking. This criterion refers to the integration of culinary skills and nutrition knowledge to create a delicious and nourishing umami dish.

Apart from the culinary competitions, foodies and other guests enjoy exhibit booths from sponsors and participated in catering and meat processing seminars. Ms. Kathryn Bernardo, the new AJI-NO-MOTO® Umami Seasoning endorser, also made a special appearance to congratulate all the participants for a job well done.

The event finale is the awarding of winners, which names Arellano University – Jose Abad Santos as the Umami Bowl Champion for garnering the highest average score and excelling in the competition categories.

Arellano University – Jose Abad Santos wins the Umami Bowl Award for the Ajinomoto® Umami Culinary Challenge 2013

The AJINOMOTO® Umami Culinary Challenge 2013 is presented by Ajinomoto Philippines Corporation, in partnership with the Food Caterer’s Association of the Philippines and sponsored by La Germania, Solane, Whirlpool/Fujidenzo, Sweetlink, Masflex and Anvil Publishing.

Food Demonstration with Selected media friends: 

During the food demonstration with the media. Chef McRhyan Rodrigo explains the value of Umami on our dishes.

  Select media friends gather to witness the umami-licious dishes being prepared by Chef Rodrigo

 Lucky for me! I was given the opportunity by Joyce Mendoza to plate the 2nd dish!!

Plating during the food demonstration with the media at the 4th Ajinomoto Umami Culinary Challenge 2013

 Finished product!!

 Chef Jajie (that's me!) with the finished product.